National Issues

PCP presents Motion of Censure on the Portuguese Government

There are many reasons that call for the presentation at this time of a motion of censure on the government and the policy of the PS [Socialist Party] and José Socrates [Prime Minister].

More than 50.000 in the March "Liberty and Democracy"

This initiative, called and organized by PCP, constituted an impressive demonstration of the compromise of the ones who participated in it with the ideals of the April Revolution and it was an unequivocal expression of the strength of Portuguese Communist Party and of its capability of mobilization and organisation.

Communiqué of the Central Committee - 3 March 2008

The Central Committee, meeting on March 2 and 3 analysed the political situation and the effects deriving from the right-wing policy of the PS government. The Central Committee evaluated the evolution of the social struggle in its different expressions and, in particular, that of the mass struggle.

PCP and the approval of the European Union treaty

The European Union summit, in Lisbon, arrived at an agreement on the treaty in discussion and announced its signature on the 13th of December, in Lisbon.

"Avante!" Festival 2007 Closing Rally


Guimarães International Meeting of Communist and other Left Forces from Europe

“Against Casual Labour and Flexicurity, right to work, work with rights. For a Europe of the workers and the peoples” PRESS RELEASE FROM THE PORTUGUESE COMMUNIST PARTY

DELEGATIONS at Guimarães International Meeting of Communist and other Left Forces from Europe

German Communist Party The Left  – Germany Communist Party of Austria Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia AKEL – Cyprus Communist Party of Denmark Communist Party in Denmark

Contribution by the Communist Party in Denmark

Contribution by the Communist Party in Denmark to the international meeting in Portugal the 5-6th July 2007        Dear comrades, First of all I want to thank the comrades from the Portuguese Communist Party for organizing this very important meeting.