Demonstration on March 28 in Lisbon crowned “Youth on the March”

Demonstration on March 28 in Lisbon crowned “Youth on the March”

The Trade Union Confederation of Portuguese Workers – CGTP-IN – called a demonstration held on March 28 in Lisbon, to mark the National Youth Day. Young workers from around the country denounced the difficult living conditions they face, imposed by the parties of the right-wing policies of the PSD/CDS-PP government.

Unemployment and forced immigration, precariousness, low wages, deregulated working hours, discrimination, repression, blackmail, have lead thousands of youth to postpone their independence and, in many cases, to live in poverty.

The demonstration also affirmed that many younger workers are taking their place in the everyday struggle against injustice and for a change of government and policy, to restore the April values and ensure better working and living conditions.

The mobilization for this national demonstration intensified in the previous week, with initiatives in all districts, targeting companies and sectors with more young workers and where problems like precarious labour links and low wages are most felt, worsened by persistently high unemployment levels.

Besides the committed participation of many PCP and JCP members and supporters in the initiatives held by Interjovem (youth organization of the CGTP-IN) and by CGTP-IN during the days of the "Youth on the March", a delegation of the Portuguese Communist Party was present in the demonstration in Lisbon, stressing PCP’s solidarity with the struggle of the young workers and their rightful demands for the right to work and for work with rights, against the precariousness of labour relations and that the fulfilment of these aspirations are part of the patriotic and left-wing policy that the PCP proposes to the country.

  • Central
  • Interjovem
  • Juventude