Speech by Inês Rodrigues, Member of the Political Committee and the Secretariat of the National Board of the JCP, Rally «The Future has a Party. Freedom, Democracy, Socialism»

«Here we are to change the world, this is our project for the future, that is why we will always be the Party of the Youth!»

«Here we are to change the world, this is our project for the future, that is why we will always be the Party of the Youth!»

The Party that celebrates 101 years today, which the young communists salute with an affection the size of our dreams, the size of the world. Our Party!

A party that has always maintained its commitment to the workers, the people and the Portuguese youth.

And here we are to change the world, to free it from exploitation, to build socialism and communism. This is our project for the future, that is why we will always be the Party of the Youth!

Long live the struggle of youth!

In this year in which the 60th. anniversary of the student crisis of 1962 is celebrated, here we are in defence of the Public School, an achievement of April, a guarantee of equal conditions for all, now a target of brutal attacks.

They tell us that freedom means being able to choose which school to attend, but what they want is for the State to pay for their children's luxury schools, which will continue to refuse to accept students from neglected neighbourhoods.

The students stand united and fight for the defence of their schools, for their refurbishment, for more employees, for the services that are closed, for the end of the National Exams and the valorisation of continuous assessment, for a public, free and quality education for all – as the students of André Gouveia Secondary School, in Évora, or the students of Amélia Rey Colaço, in Oeiras, did recently.

In this month of March, the month of youth and students, we join forces to fight for the end of tuition fees, for free Higher Education, for more school social action, for more public student accommodation, for the valorisation of Vocational Education, against precariousness, for decent working hours, for wages.

The young workers who, called by Interjovem/CGTP-IN, will take to the streets on March 31, want and are entitled to stability, to more salary, to time to live.

To those who say it is necessary to create wealth and then distribute it, we say that this already happens today. The problem is that wealth is created by some and distributed among others. We do not accept that those who build houses do not have a roof over their heads, those who sew clothes cannot buy new trousers, those who produce food do not know if they can make it to the end of the month with dinner for their children, or that researchers and artists cannot manage to solve the complex equation of their lives for lack of labour and social instability.

We are the JCP, the PCP's youth organisation and every young communist takes on the task of being the active voice that alerts and agitates for the struggle.

We are the youth that does waive the 1% for culture or sport for all; that says that capitalism is not green; that rejects all forms of discrimination, for the right to be who we are.

We are the youth of this Party that for 101 years has unwaveringly raised the banner of the struggle for peace.

So it was in the past and so it is today. Looking at Ukraine and at the world, with its trail of horror, death, lives destroyed, we clearly condemn the path of war charted by the US, NATO and the EU, Russia's military intervention in Ukraine and the arms race and the ongoing escalation of war by the warlords.

The path of war is not the path of the youth. We want Peace and not more weapons, more victims, more destruction.

From here we launch a strong appeal to the young Portuguese. Let's use all our energy, all our determination, all our creativity in defence of Peace.

Yes to peace! No to war!!

We respond to disorientation with organisation, and there are many young people who continue to stand up, to join the JCP and the PCP. Because not all the propaganda in the world conceals injustice and inequality, because it is still the communists who are with them every day, because they know that this is where they find the tools and unity to respond to their problems.

Because it is in this Party, which is 101 years old today, that men, women and young people are committed to peace, justice and social progress.

Long live the Youth and the JCP!
Long live the PCP!

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