National Issues
Contribution by the Communist Party in Denmark
5 July 2007
Contribution by the Communist Party in Denmark
to the international meeting in Portugal the 5-6th July 2007
Dear comrades,
First of all I want to thank the comrades from the Portuguese Communist Party for organizing this very important meeting.
Communication of the Communist Party of Britain
5 July 2007
Paper for International Meeting of European Communist Parties 5-6 July 2007
Communist Party of Britain
A policy for the British Labour Movement on migrant labour and immigration
Communication and Information, Communist Party of Austria
5 July 2007
Christiane Maringer
Communication and Information, Communist
Party of Austria
On the Lisbon Municipal Council election results
15 June 2007
1. A just and deserved first word of greeting to the population of Lisbon and all those who renewed their vote and confidence in CDU and, in particular, to the hundreds of CDU activists who erected a wide campaign of explanation and awareness on the main problems of the city and about those, who with their options of the right, were responsible for leading Lisbon into its present situation.
Statement on the General Strike
30 May 2007
The General-Secretary of the PCP, in a statement to the Media, stressed that " today’s General Strike called by CGTP-IN which constituted the largest struggle this government has faced up to now, was an important expression of the profound reasons of popular discontent and protest and a clear affirmation of the need for change", further pointing the deep and heartfelt reasons that demanded this ty
On the results of the Referendum on the depenalization of the «Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy»
12 February 2007
1. It is with an understandable pleasure that we, the PCP, who for years has been fighting on behalf of this important cause and given a decisive contribution for the success of this struggle, would like to greet this important victory of YES and its deep meaning.
Comrade Sergio Vilarigues passed away
8 February 2007
It is with deep regret and sadness that the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Portuguese Communist Party announces the death today, February 8, at the age of 92 years, of Sérgio Vilarigues, one of the outstanding communist leaders during more than eight and a half decades of the history of the PCP, and a life dedicated to the struggle of the workers and to his everlasting party, to freed
Political Resolution of the Central Committee - 12th January 2007
12 January 2007
The PCP Central Committee assembled during the 12th and 13th January 2007, proceeded to the analysis of the national political situation, at a moment which is particularly marked by the brutal worsening of the cost of living and by the offensive against the workers rights, and examined the development of the workers and the portuguese peoples struggle, highlighting the importance and meaning of th
How the PCP was born
29 December 2006
At the end of World War I ( 1914 - 1918 ), Portugal plunged into a serious economic crisis, with an abrupt rise in prices and unemployment.
The year 1919 was marked by the most significant wave of workers’ struggles, as a result of deteriorating living standards.