National Issues
Statement of the PCP Central Committee of May 6th, 2003
6 May 2003
The Central Committee, in its meeting of May, 6th, examined the results of the preparatory debate for the National Conference on “PCP and the Local Government”, which is to meet on May 10 and 11, approved the resolution project to submit to discussion by the National Conference and that includes already the contributions resulting from the discussion in the Party organizations.
The General Strike in Portugal, on December 10, 2002
10 December 2002
«The figures which are already available concerning the support for the General Strike cover almost all sectors, both public and private, and register extremely high levels of support, often close to 100%.
Closing speech at the PCP’s National Meeting on the action and organization of the Party in the enterprises and workplaces
20 October 2002
Our National Meeting culminates a set of debates and reflections on the action and the organisation of the Party in the companies and workplaces.
Opening speech at the PCP’s National Meeting on the action and organization of the Party in the enterprises and workplaces
19 October 2002
Closing Rally - 26th Avante! Festival’s
8 September 2002
With our convictions, with our values, with our struggle asset, here we are in Atalaia, in this beautiful Avante! Festival, in these three days of a festival which the youth made their own.
Some ask themselves why there were this year more people helping build the festival and why more youth attended.
Meeting with the builders of the "Avante!" Festival
20 July 2002
We are here today at one of the many militant voluntary work and get-together days that will precede the Avante Festival, the great festival of freedom and democracy, a great cultural event and the biggest party political achievement carried out in our country.
Information of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Portuguese Communist Party
1 July 2002
1. The executive organisms of the Central Committee have been following the evolution of the internal situation of the PCP and, particularly, the behaviours of some of its members.
Closing speech - PCP’s National Conference on “The new political framework and tasks for the strengthening of the Party’s intervention and influence”
23 June 2002
Our Conference is drawing to a close, after a great effort by the organisations to involve the militants in the debate and reflection to find answers and ways to enable us to overcome deficiencies, dynamize the political initiative from the base to the top, strengthen our capacity of struggle and qualified intervention in opposing the policy of the right.
Communiqué of the Central Committee of the PCP - 20 March 2002
20 March 2002
1. Last Sunday's electoral results not only jeopardize the opportunity for a political change in the direction the country and its problems demanded, but signify a very unfavourable situation in the national political life, the risk of a dangerous deepening of the policy of the right and further developments in the offensive against social rights and conquests.