National Issues
General Secretary of PCP
29 December 2006
Jerónimo Carvalho de Sousa
- Metalworker (MEC factory). Fifty-nine (59) years old.
- Born in Santa Iria de Azóia (Loures municipality, Portugal).
- Completed the fourth year of the Industrial Course.
- Is married, with two daughters.
- Has been a PCP member since 1974.
- Elected to the PCP Central Committee at the Ninth Congress (1979).
Portuguese Communist Party - Constitution
29 December 2006
Art. 1
1. The Portuguese Communist Party (PCP) founded on March 6, 1921, is the political party of the proletariat, the party of the working class and of all Portuguese workers.
The Secretariat of the Central Committee [2004-2008]
28 November 2006
Albano Nunes
Intelectual - 63 years old
Alexandre Araújo
Intelectual - 34 years old
(entry to the Secretariat of the CC on the 21st April 2006)
Francisco Lopes
Factory Worker- 49 years old
Jerónimo de Sousa
Metalworker - 57 years old
Jorge Cordeiro
Service Employee - 51 years old
Political Committee of the Central Committe [2004-2008]
28 November 2006
Agostinho Lopes
Engineer. 60 years
Albano Nunes
Intelectual. 63 years
Armindo Miranda
Service Employee. 51 years
Bernardino Soares
Graduate in Law. 33 years
Carlos Gonçalves
Service Employee. 53 years
Fernanda Mateus
Textile Worker. 45 years
Francisco Lopes
Avante Festival 2006 Closing Rally
3 September 2006
At the great closing rally of the 30th edition of the “Avante!” Festival, Jerónimo de Sousa, General Secretary of the PCP, addressed the main issues of the current national and international affairs and also the matters concerning the strengthening and intervention of the PCP.
EU actions against trafficking and the launch of an anti-trafficking day<br />Pergunta Oral (ao Conselho) de Ilda Figueiredo
23 February 2006
The fight against trafficking in human beings is rightly one of the priorities of the EU and a series of actions have been undertaken in order to fight against this scourge.
EU actions against trafficking and the launch of an anti-trafficking day<br />Pergunta Oral de Ilda Figueiredo
23 February 2006
The fight against trafficking in human beings is rightly one of the priorities of the EU and a series of actions have been undertaken in order to fight against this scourge.
Presidential Elections - Statement by Jerónimo de Sousa
22 January 2006
1. Today’s Presidential elections are marked by two elements: the election of Cavaco Silva and the large share of the vote obtained by my candidacy which, regardless of the overall result, represents a stimulus to assert the project that guided it, and a guarantee that it will continue pursuing, with confidence and determination, the struggle for a Portugal with future.
Communiqué of the Central Committee - 3 March 2008
12 October 2005
The Central Committee of the PCP, meeting on 11 October 2005, analysed the result of the local government election and underlined the important success of the CDU materialised in an increase in the number of votes, office-bearers, borough councils and town councils in which presidencies were won.
Declaration of candidacy Jerónimo de Sousa - Presidential Elections
13 September 2005