1st May, International Worker's Day - A major demonstration of hope and confidence in the future

Present at the rally of the 1st May in Lisbon, convened by the CGTP-IN, Jerónimo de Sousa, PCP General Secretary, emphasized the high level of participation in the demonstrations of May 1st, which took place throughout the country, the aims to defeat the right-wing policy and shift in the national political life.

"We believe that this May 1st means the rectification of hope and confidence for the future" and "trust and hope that it is possible to change, an alternative policy, patriotic and left-wing. That Portugal is not condemned to policies of sacrifices, injustices and unemployment, "said the Secretary General.

Excerpts from Speech by Jerónimo de Sousa, General Secretary, Lisbon
Hearing «Valorise Work and the Workers»

April 28, 2015

"Our Hearing «Valorise Work and the Workers» is held three days before May 1st. – International Workers’ Day

Celebrations that will take place in a context of great worsening of the living and working conditions, but also in a context of an upsurge of mass struggle in sectors, companies, workplaces and on the streets, around specific demands, for a rupture with the right-wing policy and the necessary alternative.

May 1st which celebrates the 125th anniversary of the start of the celebrations of the International Worker’s Day.

125 years ago with the May 1st. day of action for the establishment of an eight hour working day, began the first great internationalist action of the working class. The first great internationalist action against oppression and exploitation.

The working class had by then covered a long and painful path in its process of organization and political self-awareness as an autonomous social force.

The slogan of the Communist Manifesto - "Workers of the world, unite!" – went on from being a call, to the field of practical actions.

But May 1st, while linked as a symbol of the struggle to reduce working hours, has become, with the development of the labour and trade union movement, a platform of the unity of economic and political struggle.

The April Revolution, and the response of the Portuguese people to the fascist dictatorship and the domination by monopoly capital of the life of the Portuguese, is part of this broad movement that aspires to higher forms of social emancipation.

This was clearly obvious on that great May 1st. 1974 which launched the action of the great masses for the goal of deep political, economic and social transformations and linked the liberating project to the political and social emancipation of the workers, producing a qualitative change in the nature of May 1st. in our Country and which went on to have great repercussions on the evolution of the Portuguese revolution.

Today, as 125 years ago, May 1st. continues to be a day of struggle for specific demands of the workers, and also as a great demonstration of affirmation of the emancipating project of the workers.
As 125 years ago, in Portugal and in the world we hear the call: Stop Injustice! Stop Exploitation! Rally around May 1st!

And following May 1st. we have the development of the mass struggle, we have the mobilization for the National March "The strength of the people" on June 6, from Marques de Pombal to Restauradores, rally on the street for Portugal with a future, a struggle that will continue into the elections for the National Assembly, where every worker has to vote on CDU, the Broad Democratic Coalition, PCP / PEV, as a way to fight for the defence of their class interests. It lies in the hands of the workers to give more strength, with their struggle and their vote, for the implementation of a patriotic and left-wing policy and government.

It is increasingly time to affirm April and its values!"