National Issues

Solidarity with the Venezuelan people’s determination

This resolution on Venezuela insists on the manipulation and concealment of facts and on buttressing US’s interventionist strategy. For more than two decades, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has been the target of US interference and aggression, examples of which are the orchestration of coups d'état, the creation of puppet 'institutions', the continuing campaign of disinformation or the imposition of a cruel economic blockade, aimed at affecting the rights and living conditions of the Venezuelan people.

We demand an immediate end to Israel's violence against the Palestinian people

We are debating this resolution in the context of Israel's increasingly brutal policy of aggression against the Palestinian people. An example of this is the recent attack on the Jenin refugee camp - 12 dead, over 100 injured, including children, the expulsion of hundreds of families from their homes. We condemn and demand an immediate end to Israel's violence against the Palestinian people.

For the right to Housing. Lower mortgage payments and rents

I would like to begin by underlining the timeliness of this initiative at a time when thousands and thousands of people are struggling to access or maintain housing. A situation that rightly worries so many men and women living in our country. It worries those who have a rented home and are faced with rent increases or risk eviction. It worries those who have loans and see the mortgage payments rise to unaffordable values. It worries the more than 70 thousand families who live without decent housing.

Communiqué of the Central Committee of the PCP of June 30 and July 1

The Central Committee of the PCP, meeting on June 30 and July 1, evaluated the developments in the national situation, defined priorities for the intervention and reinforcement of the Party, for the intensification of the mass struggle, for the break with right-wing policies and for a patriotic and left-wing alternative. I - National Situation

Consecutive increase in reference interest rates declared by the ECB and its impacts on workers and families

Following the decision by the European Central Bank (ECB) to increase the reference interest rate to 4%, after eight consecutive increases, anticipating a new increase in July, the PC´s MPs in the European Parliament took the initiative to promote a letter signed by several MPs from different Member States and political groups, addressed to the European Council, the European Commission and the European Central Bank. -/-   Hon. President of the European Council, Charles Michel

«Government propaganda does not pay rents, mortgages, does not put food on the table»

We are here for yet another momentous day of a great day of struggle by Portuguese workers. A very fair struggle, very fair demands, struggling for what is a fundamental issue today, which is wages, rights, against precariousness, a struggle for their rights, their aspirations. But it is a struggle for the country too.

Restrictions on 5G: Portugal needs to diversify economic relations instead of letting itself be captured by interests that are not its own

1. The PCP considers of enormous gravity the decision to exclude from 5G networks – for alleged security reasons –the technology of countries that are not part of NATO, the EU, or the OECD. This decision, which goes even further than what was "demanded" of the country by the US and the EU (in an unacceptable exercise of external imposition), is directed against countries like Brazil, China and India, which are not only some of the largest world economies but also traditional partners, with whom Portugal has developed economic relations for a long time.

«We reject the assumption that the Interior is doomed. It is not and we do not accept that they doom it»

Here we are holding our parliamentary conference in Serra da Estrela. Yet another opportunity to talk about the problems that the workers, the people and the country face, at the national level, but also in the districts of Castelo Branco and Guarda. And, more than the problems, the solutions, in districts that have registered a sharp loss of population in recent years.

Stop the war! Give Peace a chance!

We are in a situation where war is spreading across the world, from Syria, to Sudan, in Palestine, Yemen, Ukraine, with a dimension that we all know well. And what is being asked at this moment is to create all the conditions to put an end to war and give an opportunity for peace, like the call for this initiative today.

Escalation of interest rates favours banks, harms the people and the country

The ECB announced today the eighth consecutive increase in the reference interest rate, raising it, for now, by another 25 basis points, that is, from 3.75% to 4%, in a movement that, without measuring the consequences, will be repeated in July as announced.