National Issues

Workers demand a fight against the rising cost of living. They demand an increase in wages, the right to housing and healthcare

The general increase in wages is the central issue that appears everywhere today. It is in the public sector, it is in the private sector. Workers are here demanding a fight against the rising cost of living, no one can bear anymore the rising cost of living. It is a very fair demand. These people make the country work, create wealth, make the economy work. There is wealth created, there are profits and there is money, what is needed is for it to be better distributed. The State Budget corresponds to an orientation contrary to what these people here demand.

«Just as the PCP warned the absolute majority of the PS brought neither political nor social stability»

The national situation is marked by the resignation of the Prime Minister, triggered by judicial investigations involving the current Government. Much is being said about this matter, but what is necessary is a quick clarification and determination of responsibilities and facts, with all the consequences that arise from this.

International Day for the end of violence against women

For the PCP, marking the International Day for the end of violence against women, at work, in the family and in society, is to reaffirm an everyday fight and commitment. Fight and commitment that is currently expressed in the discussion on the State Budget for 2024, which constitutes an instrument to block the improvement of women's living conditions and the necessary reversal of inequalities and discrimination that weaken their condition and social status.

«The vote of each one of us is worth as much as that of a bank shareholder, but it will be worth much more if it is not given to parties that guarantee the banks’ millions at the expense of the workers and the people»

The national situation is marked by the resignation of the Prime Minister, triggered by judicial investigations involving the current Government. Investigations in which it is necessary to ensure a quick clarification and determination of all responsibilities with all the resulting consequences. But still in relation to these events, there are those who now opportunistically speak of promiscuity between economic and political power.

Communiqué of the Central Committee of the PCP of November 18, 2023

The Central Committee of the PCP, meeting on November 18, 2023, analysed the recent developments in the national and international situation, defined lines of intervention of the Party in the political and institutional framework resulting from the resignation of the Prime Minister and the announcement of the dissolution of the Assembly of the Republic and the calling of early legislative elections for March 10, 2024, and outlined priorities for the development of the struggle for a break with right-wing policies and for a patriotic and left-wing alternative, and for the strengthening o

Solving the problems of the people and the country, reinforce PCP and CDU

The President's decisions following the government's resignation – to ensure the approval of the proposed State Budget; subsequently dissolve Parliament; and call early elections – cannot be assessed without considering the serious situation affecting the people and the country and the urgent need for a policy that effectively provides solutions. This is the big question that becomes more evident with each passing day. Solving the problems and harsh reality that the workers, populations and country face every day.

On the political situation arising from the resignation of the Prime Minister

In view of the news that was made public today, the PCP reaffirms that it is necessary for the ongoing investigations to be concluded, all the facts to be investigated and the appropriate consequences to be withdrawn. The developments in this situation, which includes the resignation of the Prime Minister, are a result of the weakening of the government, which is inseparable from its political options that leave the main problems of the workers and people unanswered and unsolved.

«The country's economy is dragging on, but like a miracle of multiplication, profits are increasing visibly»

This initiative takes place at the important moment of discussion of the State Budget, which will define a series of policies for next year and which we can confirm right now that they continue the orientation of the previous ones adopted by this government with an absolute majority of the PS. The PS wants to sell us the idea that this Budget, adopted in general a few days ago, is the best of all, the most responsible and the only one possible.

The Budget proposal does not solve the country's problems and heightens inequalities and injustices

In this debate, the PCP confronted the Government with concrete problems that do not find answers in this State Budget, low wages and pensions, difficulties in healthcare, education and housing.