National Issues
Communiqué of the Central Committee of the PCP of October 15 and 16, 2023
16 October 2023
The Central Committee of the PCP, meeting on October 15 and 16, 2023, analysed the national and international situation and the necessary responses to the problems of the workers, the people and the country. It pointed out the priority lines of intervention for the party collective.
Vote of condolence for the victims of the current escalation of violence in Palestine and Israel and on 75 years of the policy of occupation and violation of international law by Israel
12 October 2023
The consequences of the recent escalation of violence, with countless victims among the Israeli and Palestinian populations, are deeply worrying, and this deserves the strongest repudiation and condemnation.
It is necessary to immediately stop the escalation of war in order to prevent even more tragic consequences for the Palestinian population, martyred by decades of occupation and oppression, and for the Israeli population – Arabs and Jews –, in the fight against the arbitrariness of the government of Israel.
For Peace in the Middle East
11 October 2023
The chief reason why the PCP is in this gathering is mainly to say that it is necessary to stop. It is necessary to stop the escalation of violence. It is necessary to stop the war. It is necessary to stop the attacks that we condemn against civilians.
At the initiative of PCP’s MPs, the European Parliament debates the impacts of the increase in interest rates decided by the ECB
2 October 2023
Giving voice to the struggle for the right to housing and the demand for immediate measures to ensure it, which led tens of thousands of people to take to the streets, all over the country, last Saturday, as well as all those who are affected in their rights and living conditions by the policy of the European Central Bank (ECB), João Pimenta Lopes, PCP’s MP in the European Parliament (EP) proposed today, at the beginning of the plenary session, the scheduling of a debate to be held on Tuesday, October 3, on the serious consequences of increases in reference interest rates.
Housing is a right that we cannot relinquish
30 September 2023
There are thousands of people today in a situation of great personal deprivation and they can no longer endure this.
They can no longer afford the rent, they can no longer bear the brutal increase in loan payments and therefore this is a problem that has to be faced head on, with concrete measures.
There are thousands and thousands of people here, and as we also know, with very different expressions, all over the country, people who are here claiming the right to housing.
It is a right that we cannot relinquish.
On the social situation, the measures necessary to increase wages and pensions and the ongoing manoeuvres to prevent it
29 September 2023
Portugal faces large-scale structural problems and growing and heightened inequality and injustice in the distribution of the wealth created.
A situation in which the lives of workers and large sectors of the population experience more difficulties while a handful of people concentrate profits like never before.
It cannot continue like this; the situation of workers and people and the future of the country demand a response.
The privatisation of TAP is a crime that must be fought!
28 September 2023
1. The Council of Ministers today adopted a new Decree-Law for the privatisation of TAP, going ahead with the fourth attempt at privatising TAP, confirming the PS's enslavement to the interests of big capital and its submission to the impositions of the European Union (which has long outlined the objective of liquidating TAP).
A decision that is taken in line with what PSD, CDS, Chega and IL have been defending and which is part of a path of national surrender, with dozens of privatisations that leave the country poorer and more dependent.
The housing crisis, the government’s announcements and the population’s struggle
27 September 2023
Mr Chairman, Ladies and gentlemen,
Housing is a condition for living. It is something that each one of us cannot do without – and that, to maintain it, we will make all the cuts, all the sacrifices, we will go through all the difficulties that are possible, up to the limit of deciding to give up our roof, our home.
This is the situation in which thousands and thousands of people find themselves. Every day finding what they can cut to survive.
Rally of the 47th. Avante Festival!
3 September 2023
From here I salute the thousands who built, promoted and those who ensure the functioning of this great Festival, I salute the youth and JCP who make this remarkable collective construction, and rightly so, their Festival.
I salute all the visitors, those who are always there, those who have returned and those who are here for the first time.
Here you are at home and know that tomorrow we will be by your side, in different expressions of life, in the difficulties, in the dream, in the joy, in the fair struggles that we will carry out.
If a country's development were measured by privatisations, our country would be at the top
20 July 2023
Here we are, confident, determined, full of life and with a great joy to live, fight and make a change.
The challenges we face are many, but they are not big enough to discourage us, on the contrary, each one of them gives us even more strength.
We do not underestimate the difficulties, but here we are, firm, determined, with a great joy to live and fight.
And so it is, to the annoyance of the champions and beneficiaries of right-wing policies.
Those protagonists and beneficiaries, those happy and very comfortable with the current situation.