National Issues

Paulo Raimundo - Biography

Biography Paulo Raimundo is 46 years old, married and has three children. He is the son of workers who come from the municipality of Beja. He was born in Cascais, the municipality where his parents worked at the time, as employees of Estoril Football Club, where they stayed in the club’s facilities. He lived in Setúbal from the age of 3, where his parents settled and worked.

«The demonstrations in Lisbon and Porto are already the largest mobilisation of the last two years»

This demonstration here in Lisbon, like the one in Porto, already represents the largest mobilisation of the last two years and shows that the workers do not accept the deterioration of wages, the deterioration of pensions, the attack on public services, while at the same time there is an amassing of billions of euros in the profits of economic groups, multinationals, with dividends that largely leave the country. And just as the workers do not accept it, the PCP also does not accept this deterioration of the living conditions, wages, pensions and public services.

National Conference

Draft Resolution

Adopted at the Central Committee meeting of September 17 and 18, 2022 1. The evolution of the national and international situation confirms the essential aspects identified at the XXI Congress of the Party held in November 2020.

Communiqué of the Central Committee of PCP of September 17 and 18, 2022

The Central Committee of PCP, meeting on September 17 and 18, 2022, evaluated the evolution of the international situation; examined the national political situation and the necessary solutions for the country; defined priorities of intervention and to strengthen the party; approved the regulations of the preparatory phase and the draft resolution of the National Conference, to be held on November 12 and 13.

«We want a more developed and fairer country, a Portugal with a future. We will build it!»

Warm greetings to all of you, to all the builders, participants and visitors of the Avante! Festival. A Festival of a prestigious newspaper, central organ of the Portuguese Communist Party! An unparalleled Festival built with the work and art of a great militant collective!