Paz e Solidariedade

Nota do Gabinete de Imprensa do PCP

PCP calls for solidarity with the Palestinian people

Declaração de Ângelo Alves, Member of the Political Committee of the Central Committee, Lisbon, Solidarity action «End the blockade! Solidarity with Cuba»

End the blockade! Solidarity with Cuba

do Gabinete de Imprensa do PCP

PCP condemns the coup in Sudan and solidarizes with the Sudanese people

Nota do Gabinete de Imprensa do PCP

For the immediate end of the criminal US blockade against Cuba

Nota do Gabinete de Imprensa do PCP

Land Day – March 30: Free and independent Palestine!

Intervenção de Jerónimo de Sousa, General Secretary, Lisbon

45th Anniversary of the liberation of the peoples of the former Portuguese colonies

Nota do Gabinete de Imprensa do PCP

For the fulfilment of the Sahrawi people's right to self-determination