Motion «Freedom and Democracy»

Motion approved unanimously by the XXI Congress of the PCP

The Portuguese Communist Party’s century-long history is inextricably linked to the struggle of the Portuguese People for freedom and democracy.

The achievement of democratic freedoms with the April Revolution is inseparable from the heroic struggle of the Portuguese communists for freedom and democracy, against fascism and colonialism.

The values of [the] April [Revolution], which are enshrined in the project of political, economic, social and cultural democracy embodied by the 1976 Constitution of the Republic, are intransigently defended by the PCP and its Party Programme «An Advanced Democracy, the values of April in the Future of Portugal», by our steadfast opposition to, and struggle against, all attempts at subverting the democratic regime during the past four decades.

The reactionary forces which have never accepted the Portuguese Revolution’s progressive values, and have never given up from trying to whitewash fascism and its crimes, have recently developed an intense anti-communist campaign, based on slander, on silencing and systematically attacking the PCP. This campaign was waged by the reactionary parties and the mainstream mass media taking the form of hate speech, recalling old times that were considered to be a thing of the past

The attacks against the commemorations of the 25th of April and May 1st, the unjustifiable attacks against the Avante! Festival, and the unacceptable calls for the unconstitutional banning of the PCP’s Congress are very worrying signs of the fascistic character of the ongoing offensive. The attack against the PCP which the country has witnessed does not just target the PCP. This is an attack against democratic values that should be of concern to all democrats and patriots.

The 21st Congress of the Portuguese Communist Party, meeting in Loures between November 27 and 29, 2020, expresses its profound repudiation of the whitewashing of fascism and the political and media promotion of fascistic and xenophobic political forces that attack fundamental values of the Portuguese democracy in an increasingly arrogant and threatening manner. The PCP calls for the unity and mobilization of all democrats and patriots against the ongoing anticommunist and fascistic offensive, and to defend the democratic values, conquered with the April Revolution and embodied in the Constitution of the Republic.