Speech by Jaime Toga, Member of the Political Committee of the Central Committee of the PCP, XXI Congress of the PCP

The Party Organization

The Party Organization

In the period since the last Congress, the Party's organization was, once again, put to the test. We resisted and fulfilled our role in a context marked by challenges, but also by new and more diverse attacks on workers, the people and the Country, some of whom were rooted in a profound anti-communism and in an attempt to annul the PCP that for many years they have wanted to destroy or at least, make it abandon its principles, becoming equal to the other parties, harmless to the dominant classes.

They continue to try and to insist, but still fail because we have an organization that resists and persists in the struggle and defence of the Party, its class nature and its principles, proving it in practice and in its permanent intervention in defence of workers, of the people and the Country.

We maintain independence and autonomy. We assume our own positions, inseparable from our project and our objectives.

We affirm and defend the values of April and the Constitution that incorporates them, even when many pursue the objective of breaking each of its pillars in order to call into question the progressive dimension of the project therein.

When they tried to hold us back, throwing mud at us, producing and spreading lies that tried to equate us to others who are all the same, we reaffirmed principles and continued with a practice that is different from all others. Nobody here has personal or family privileges or advantages. We are here to serve and not to serve ourselves.

We fulfil our vanguard role in the defence of workers' rights. With the exploited, we raise our voices to say that in fighting the virus, not even one right curtailed, clarifying and mobilizing workers to resist and fight for their rights, for the right to work in adequate health and hygiene conditions, for the right to fight and to demonstrate, because rights are not confined.

We fulfilled our vanguard role also on the streets, at countless rallies, parades, tribunes, distributions and actions throughout the Country, or in the holding of the Festa do Avante!

We proceed with activity and intervention, denouncing the right-wing policy, the submission to the interests of big business and the impositions of the EU. We denounced the role of the PS, PSD and CDS in the situation in which the Country finds itself and we unmask their surrogates who, under cover of media coverage, use populism to achieve other ends, calling into question the democratic regime itself.

And that's why we annoy so much! We fret them so much that some have lost their minds and said that the PCP should have been prevented from being here debating and intervening to find solutions to the Country's problems.

They have not succeeded, here we are, honouring a century of history and demonstrating our duty to workers and people who are facing a difficult economic and social situation.

We are here to fight for all those who see their rights threatened daily, telling them that it is with a stronger PCP that their struggle also gains strength.
Here we are with this great party collective, saluting its generosity, its commitment and its dedication, facing the challenges that lie ahead, but recognizing difficulties, insufficiencies and the need for more strength to take the struggle for the achievement of our goals further.

Here we are with this great party organization that the Theses under discussion portray, highlighting the changes and developments seen in recent years, while also pointing out the Party's weaknesses and strengths.

It is with all this in mind that we affirm that it is necessary and possible to go further. It is necessary to go further, looking at the current situation and the future challenges posed by the central issue of strengthening the Party.

To go further, valuing militancy and broadening the awareness that militancy is a fundamental element for the Party's strength. Encouraging more comrades to assume responsibilities and regular tasks in party work, taking into account the possibilities and availability of each one.

To go further in the integration and entrusting of comrades in organizations and for specific tasks, encouraging their participation, accompanying them and helping them to carry out the tasks undertaken, advancing towards the objective of "a comrade, a task, an organism".

Go further in connecting with the masses, ensuring the Party's effective connection to workers and populations. It is there, in the connection with the masses that we find the transforming strength and energy of the struggle and its decisive contribution to the revolutionary transformation of society.

For this reason too, it is necessary to go further in recruiting new militants, assuming recruitment as a permanent concern and task of Party organizations and cadres. A work with great potential as demonstrated in the "action of contact with 5000 workers to let them know the reasons why they should join and strengthen the PCP", in which 1350 workers joined the Party, reflecting the availability of many others to support the Party and participate in its activity, but also evidencing that this work needs to be discussed in the organizations, doing the survey of names, distributing the contacts to be carried out and monitoring their implementation.

It is necessary to go further in organizing and intervening with the working class and workers in companies and workplaces, starting now by achieving the objective defined within the Party's centenary of giving 100 new cells comrades responsibilities and creating 100 new company, workplace and sector cells by March 2021.

More Party strength in companies and workplaces ensuring the regular functioning of cells and the intensification of their activity with workers and around the core problems and aspirations of workers.

It is necessary to go further in local organizations, guaranteeing an intervention centred on the problems and aspirations of the populations, stimulating action and struggle, stimulating the creation and action of commissions and movements based on popular problems and aspirations, paying attention to the Popular Associations Movement, articulating intervention in municipal bodies with acting directly to solve problems and with the struggle of the populations.

It is necessary to go further in organization and intervention with other comrades and non monopolist sectors, that find in Patriotic Left-wing Polities the solution to their desires and aspirations.

It is necessary to go further in all the organizational work, taking care also in the holding of Organization Assemblies and the regular functioning of the bodies, promoting the renewal and rejuvenation of the leading bodies and the distribution of tasks among its members.

On the verge of the centenary of the founding of the Portuguese Communist Party, starting from our 21st Congress we affirm that the organization continues to be a key instrument to promote, guide and develop the activity and mass struggle that constitute the fertile ground in which the Party organization germinates develops, flourishes and bears fruit.

Without ignoring that the times that lie ahead are times of resistance, marked by a brutal political, social and ideological offensive, we know that, however difficult the times may be, we do not face away from the struggle and that it is there together, with the exploited workers, with the youth who yearn for a dignified future, that we find the strength and confidence to resist and move forward, certain that the future has a Party!

Long live the JCP!
Long live the PCP!

  • Intervenções
  • XXI Congresso
XXI Congresso