" Obama : 100 days"

Article by Albano Nunes, member of the Secretariat of the Central Committee

One never doubted about the real nature of the “ Obama phenomenon”. One was never undertaken in the tide of illusions, which the stupendous “phenomenon” promotion campaign caused and still causes within sectors belonged to the democratic field. From the very first moment, we alerted about the sophisticated promotion of the North-American imperialism operation underlying such “phenomenon”: the G. Bush’s fascist like consulate clamorous failure, asked for a remake of the USA’s image and the search of other methods in order to try and impose its world hegemony. At the end of Obama’s 100 days in office, one can state, that life has given us reason.

Although it is too soon to advance definite opinions on the numerous real current issues, within both the USA home and foreign policy levels, three matters are already obvious: the “fighting the crisis” measures, undertaken by the new North-American administration, are situated within the previous administration continuity direction and are equally at the service of the financial capital and the industrial military complex; against winds and tides “the American way of life” continues to stand upon the dollar hegemony, within the international monetary system, without which, the USA’s gigantic external debt would lead to its collapse; with Obama, the run to armament and the aggressive interventionism do not  draw back and  have even  gone forward in certain domains. This is the disturbing reality, which no “openness” pleasant image can hide.

The deep capitalism crisis is aggravating the class contradictions and struggles. In reality, and although the important rearrangement process of the forces in progress, the forces correlation continues favourable towards imperialism, and both the communist revolutionary movement and the anti-imperialist field, the prevailing trace continues to be resistance and the accumulation of forces. But nevertheless, it is not less true that the crisis dimension and the struggle development can lead us to important partial victories and revolutionary developments. During the 1st of May celebrations, there were encouraging signs of struggling and forwarding, adding to the Latin America and other parts of the world progressist victories. Such as recently, in South Africa, where the ANC, together with the labour class and the communists, achieved an extraordinary electoral success, moreover more significant, as achieved, even besides the serious operations in order to weaken and divide the South African people’s  great revolutionary  liberation force.

And therefore, manoeuvring to launder the USA’s image, Obama’s administration continues to enlarge its war machine, spreading military bases, destabilizing countries and entire regions , to usher in troops and protect puppet governments , reinforcing NATO and perfectioning “force projection” strategies, throughout the planet, supporting the EU military component, insisting in the “Al Qaeda” “menace” and in “ the war to terrorism”, as a coverage to sovereign countries. The “ falling out from Iraq “ lie, the Central Asia to Pakistan war spreading, the Navy powerful squadrons in the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea, the silenced invasion of Somalia by Ethiopia and the USA forces, new developments within the aggressive policy pointing out to Africa, are facts that do not leave any doubt, about the direction imperialism in general, and the North-American , in particular, have proposed  to pursue . In order to make workers and peoples pay the costs of the capitalist crisis. To endeavour to save a historically condemned system and suffocate inevitable social revolt and revolutionary change explosions. Obama’s tactic “ opening gestures” must not distract us from the essential. Whatever the real change might be, within the imperialism behaviour, can only result from the workers’ and peoples’ resistance and struggle.                       

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