National Issues

Communiqué of the Central Committee of the PCP of April 8, 2019

The Central Committee of the PCP, having met on April 8, analysed the evolution of the national political, economic and social situation and aspects of the international situation, underlined the development of the mass struggle, stressed the importance of the electoral battles and defined the main lines of intervention, political initiative and strengthening of the Party. I - International situation

«On the Centennial of the Communist International - Long Live Internationalist Solidarity!»

In the year of the Centennial of its foundation, it is worth remembering that during its existence between 1919 and 1943 the Communist International played an inspiring and leading role in the international communist movement and that, despite the difficulties of relationships that arose, contributed positively to the ideological and political maturity of the PCP and to its affirmation as the vanguard of the working class and the leading force of the anti-fascist struggle.

«April must be fulfilled in Women's lives»

We wanted to commemorate the 8th of March in Almada, and so I want to salute all the women present, and through them all the women in the county. But we also want to dedicate a special salutation to the women working in for this municipality, for their struggle in defense of a 35-hour work week and the recovery of a full Christmas Subsidy (after six years of cuts), a struggle that continues, for better wages, job careers and a better life. A struggle that counts on and will count on PCP.

«A stronger CDU to build now the future of Portugal and its people!»

Cordial greetings to all those present, to all the components of the CDU,s democratic and unitary vision [CDU = Democratic Unitary Coalition] – specifically “The Greens” environmentalist party, and the many independent individuals who honour us with their participation and contribution. And a very special greeting to João Ferreira, whom we are now introducing as the first candidate on the CDU slate for the upcoming European Parliament election on 26 May.

On the rejection by the British Parliament of the United Kingdom's European Union Withdrawal Agreement

Given the vote in the British Parliament of the terms of the so called United Kingdom's European Union Withdrawal Agreement, PCP:

Joint Appeal for the 2019 elections to the European Parliament «For a Europe of the workers and the peoples»

The Portuguese Communist Party and other communist, progressive and left parties launch a Joint Appeal for the elections to the European Parliament under the motto «For a Europe of workers and peoples».

20 years after, freeing the Country from the submission to the Euro, affirming national sovereignty

The Euro has completed 20 years of existence. The official proclamations of the European Union repeat mechanically, dogmatically and baselessly, the idea of 'success'. A serious and responsible review of the Euro contradicts this propaganda and agrees with all those who, like PCP, from the beginning, denounced its nature and objectives, and alerted towards the consequences of joining the Euro.

At the request of several media about the action that took place today [December 21], the PCP makes public:

The PCP considers that, regardless of the promoters, the concealment of the reactionary aims, the demagogically invoked issues, there is a huge contrast between an artificial media promotion in a seldom seen extent and the scarce participation that took place (only a few hundred people in the whole country). This reflects a clear distancing and rejection by the workers and the Portuguese people of this action and its obscure intentions.