National Issues

Reject the pressure and blackmail of the European Union

The conclusions of the meeting of the College of Commissioners confirm the aim of adding new elements of pressure and blackmail on Portugal. Beyond the media discussion about the existence or not of sanctions for excessive deficit - a consequence of the implementation of Budgetary Treaty approved by PSD, CDS and PS - what stands out in this process and this decision is the blackmail which aims to take further the process to condition the course of the Country in a direction contrary to national interests, the interests of the workers and Portuguese people.

“The release of the country from submission to the euro, condition for development and national sovereignty”

First a word of appreciation on the debate promoted here today with many speeches that have and will enrich the legacy of reflection and intervention by the PCP on issues related to the euro. Special thanks to the contributions of Professor João Ferreira do Amaral and Professor Jorge Bateira who agreed to share with us their thoughts, joining other economists from our country who have been present in other initiatives that we have promoted on some central issues that we face and the necessary answers we need to give.

“It is imperative to break the cycle of submission and subordination of the Country to the European Union"

Our main goal for this 15th Meeting of PCP’s Cadres in the Alentejo was a debate and reflection on the Party and its reinforcement in various areas of its action and intervention in the territory by all four of our Regional Directions.

May of struggle is also a May of celebration and confidence in the future

Thousands of people took to the streets of Lisbon, Oporto and 38 other places in the country, to commemorate the International Workers’ Day with the General Confederation of Portuguese Workers (CGTP-IN), celebrating the results of the struggle and proclaiming that it will continue in order to achieve the expected change of policy.

“Celebrate April with the prospect that a better life is possible”

Throughout the country, the 42nd anniversary of the April Revolution was celebrated with demonstrations, cultural and sporting events once again attended by thousands of people, reaffirming their will to materialise the April values in the future of Portugal.

Angola: Solidarity and coherence

By João Oliveira, Member of the Political Committee of the CC

The Constitution is essential for the construction of a Portugal with a future, free, democratic and developed

40 years ago, the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic was adopted and promulgated, the outcome of the liberating process of the April Revolution and of the struggle of our people.

March against precarious employment on de National Youth Day

Last March 31st, thousands of young workers throughout the country answered the appeal by CGTP-IN and marked the National Youth Day with a day of struggle against precarious employment and for the right to labor stability and safety.

On the Condemnatory Votes to Angola

Reaffirming the defence to the right of opinion, protest and of the political, economic and social rights, the PCP reaffirms likewise the right to the sovereignty of the Republic of Angola, the right of its people to decide – free from external pressure and interference – its present and future, including the choice of its path to overcome the real problems of Angola and the achievement of its legitimate wishes. .