National Issues

The current situation: benefits, risks and responses

We are facing a time of great complexities and uncertainties. The existing scientific evidence, but also everything that is still unknown to the scientific community about the new coronavirus, makes it urgent to combat Covid-19, reducing and minimizing its impacts on the health and life of the Portuguese, and placing as first priority the adoption of preventive measures, of expanding the capacity to respond of the National Health Service and protecting those most at risk while combating the spread of the disease and the necessary clinical response.

On the conclusions of the Eurogroup meeting

In contrast to the propaganda that accompanies its conclusions, what remains from the Eurogroup meeting are the profound contradictions within the European Union, the glaring absence of solidarity and measures pertinent to the scale of the problems, and a cynical as well as undisguised yielding to the interests of major European powers and large economic and financial groups.

Ensuring Social Protection – Defend and Strengthen Social Security, today and in the future

1. The epidemic outbreak of Covid-19 and the measures necessary to prevent and combat it, have brought to the fore the importance of defending public services, in particular a public, universal and just Social Security, an important pillar of our democracy.

The decisive role of the NHS in combating the epidemic outbreak and in guaranteeing the right to healthcare - Situation and measures

More than a month after detecting the first case of contagion with coronavirus in Portugal, the central question that the PCP has posed from the outset remains very topical: adopting a set of appropriate procedures of prevention in which public healthcare services play a crucial role and strengthening the capacity of the National Health Service in all its fields, which are crucial for enabling a clinical response.

The critical situation of MSMEs and the necessary response to defend incomes and the national economy

1 - It is necessary to continue to respond to the serious public health problem that the country faces, namely with preventive measures and the enlargement of the capacity of response by the National Health Service. But it is also urgent to respond to the fast deterioration of the economic and social situation, namely the set of problems that are today posed to thousands of micro, small and medium-size entrepreneurs who constitute more than 99% of the Portuguese economic fabric.

We endorse measures aimed at prevention and social support and we distance ourselves from the State of Emergency

Mr. President of the Parliament, Mr. Prime-Minister, Ladies and Gentlemen, Members of the Parliament, The measures aimed at preventing and containing the spread of the virus are not the measures under the State of Emergency and PCP will not allow the former to be confused with the latter. We remain convinced that Portugal requires measures aimed at preventing and containing the spread of the virus and we underline the reservations that we have regarding the State of Emergency and that explain our distancing therefrom.

Proposals for strengthening the protection of rights and addressing the epidemic outbreak

The present situation requires significant measures to oppose the epidemic outbreak, but it also calls for measures aimed at defending the rights and living conditions of workers and the people.

«The defence of our people demands intensifying the struggle for food sovereignty»

The first word of the PCP is for the farmers, fishermen and workers. For all those who persistently continue to sow seeds on the soil, plant their crops, fertilize, till, prune, dig, feed and care for their animals, for all agricultural workers, including the migrants who are so often under subhuman conditions and that the big landowners and middlemen leave to their fate on the first occasion, and those who continue to go to the sea, to ensure the supply of our markets and the food of the Portuguese people.

«Fight the epidemic outbreak, fight the law of the jungle, defend and protect workers' rights»

The current epidemic outbreak has to be tackled, prevented and fought with determination, mobilizing the means and resources essential to defend health and life. But it cannot be used and instrumentalized, taking advantage of legitimate concerns, to serve as a pretext for the worsening of exploitation and for an attack on workers' rights.

The Covid-19 epidemic – The unavoidable response to the economic and social emergency

1 – The situation that has emerged in Portugal as a result of the Covid – 19 outbreak requires as a first priority the adoption of prevention measures and propping up the National Health System’s ability to address the spread of the epidemic and to provide clinical responses to the crisis.