National Issues

Not a single right less. Confidence and struggle for a better life

First of all, on behalf of the Central Committee, please allow me to greet our whole Party, its organisations, all the militants who in companies, in workplaces, in cities, towns and villages, in class-oriented and associative movements, in the various institutions, in Local and Regional Government, in the Assembly of the Republic and in the European Parliament, who, in these difficult times of epidemic outbreak, wherever necessary, fulfil their role and our duty to uphold the interests of the workers and people.

Defend Public School so that no student is harmed

Please accept a warm greeting for your initiative. This greeting is all the more justified, since it is held in a context of special difficulties for the action and for the struggle that young communists, during these weeks, were able to face, never ceasing to be, with digital means or in person, where the youth are, accompanying their problems and aspirations, and assuming the demand for the necessary answers.

European Commission proposals do not respond to the country's needs

The proposals presented by the European Commission, concerning the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2021-2027 and the so-called "recovery fund", will still be subject to debate and approval by the European Council and the European Parliament.

Sovereignty and development - Options for a Portugal with a future

Good afternoon, everyone, participants and those who are following this debate. Our thanks to the speakers of this session and especially to Ricardo Paes Mamede for accepting the invitation to participate in it. Among others, there are three great lessons that can be learned from this crisis, of health and economic, that I would like to highlight in this debate. The centrality of work, of workers; the enormous importance, of public services, of public intervention; the core issue of national production and national sovereignty.

The struggle cannot be locked down faced with injustice and exploitation!

The years may pass. We can live difficult times, like the ones we live in, but this Portuguese Communist Party does not forget and will be here, every May, to carry on for the future, our always heartfelt tribute to the peasant Catarina Eufémia from Baleizão, who with her formidable courage has become a shining symbol of the struggle of the combative agricultural proletariat of Alentejo, of the struggle of our people for freedom and for the emancipation of the workers and people, pride of Portuguese workers and of her Party.

Culture is not a secondary or disposable good

1 – Two months after shows, rehearsals and recordings began to be cancelled due to COVID-19, PCP has a negative evaluation of the government's response to the dramatic situation of thousands of workers and hundreds of structures.

Not one right less. Valuing work and workers

PCP launched yesterday a National Initiative of contact with workers, part of the campaign «Valuing work and workers. No to exploration!», with dozens of initiatives in all regions of the continent and autonomous regions, which will continue today and over the next few weeks. We are where we have always been. With the workers and the people, listening to their problems, denouncing the abuses of their rights, making proposals to respond to their demands and desires.

Network of Social Care Facilities and Services from childhood to old age. Situation and prospects

1. The epidemic outbreak brought to the fore the situation and prospects of the social responses that make up the Network of Social Care Facilities and Services. The suspension of the activity of some of these social responses - nurseries, pre-school, leisure activities, centres for occupational activities, day care and social centres, among others – was a measure to prevent the epidemic outbreak.