Statement by Jerónimo de Sousa, General Secretary of the PCP

Companies with millions of profits, dismiss hundreds of workers in Sines. The struggle is more than just

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We are here in an act of solidarity with hundreds of workers who, due to precarious ties, are threatened with such a large dismissal by a subcontractor. It is clear that Petrogal company, which should also be held responsible for this and which allows these workers with precarious ties, who are already more vulnerable, to face the threat of dismissal with all the social and labour consequences that lead to an outcome of this magnitude.

It is neither acceptable nor understandable to take advantage of this epidemic outbreak situation to seek to cut jobs and wages, creating a dramatic situation here for these hundreds of workers. The workers are here. I believe that the principle that rights are defended by exercising them is confirmed once again. They are exercising the right to demonstrate, to be angry, to fight to defend their jobs, to fight for employment, and that is why this street demonstration has a great meaning at a time when they are asking people to lower their arms, to lockdown, not to fight. They are right to wage this same struggle, without the government and the State accepting any responsibility, allowing arbitrariness, taking advantage of the tide to proceed with these dismissals.

We are solidary. Their struggle will have to continue because they are the main and sole builders of this same struggle, of this great aim which is the defence of the job. Workers from Martifer can count on us. Workers who are threatened can count on us. You can count on the solidarity of the Portuguese Communist Party.