Sale of a Special Issue of «Avante!»

Sale of a Special Issue of «Avante!»

PCP has organised the sale of the special issue of Avante! published on 12 January in workplaces and among communities. In an unprecedented initiative, the Party distributed the Political Resolution adopted by PCP's XX Congress together with the sale of «Avante!» copies.

The special issue of «Avante!» Includes an 8-page supplement on the patriotic and left-wing policies that PCP is proposing to workers, people and the country.

The supplement highlights the achievements made in 2016 with PCP's contribution. These include significant steps towards the restitution of the income of most Portuguese citizens and, in 2017, the adoption of the State Budget with new measures that go farther and will represent the attainment of new social rights. On the other hand, the supplement points out the constraints and limitations that tie down the PS Government, preventing it from adopting the necessary and structural measures demanded by the country and its people.

The document also points out the priorities of the alternative policies being put forward by PCP: liberating the country from its submisson to the Euro and the EU's impositions and constraints; re-negotiating the public debt; acknowledging the value of work and workers; supporting and promoting national production and the country's various economic sectors; ensuring public control of the banking sector; returning the economy's basic strategic sectors to the public sphere; ensuring that public administration and public services are at the service of the people and the country; promoting fair taxation policies that will ease the tax burden on workers' and people's incomes while fighting combating tax havens; defending Portugal's democratic regime and ensuring compliance with its Constitution. The implementation of the aforementioned policies is a complex but urgent task and its actors will be Portuguese workers and the people.

The «Avante!» supplement also underscores what is required for a clean break with the unacceptable constraints and conditions imposed on Portugal by the EU and the Euro and to build patriotic and left-wing policies: strengthening workers' unitary organisations and other mass movements; enlarging the social front that supports the struggle and the converging with democratic and patriotic forces, sectors and personalities; as well as strengthening PCP.