" The political prisioners"

"Avante!" Article by Angelo Alves, member of the Political Committee and of the International Department

The Cuban’s State decision on releasing judged citizens, convicted and imprisoned in Cuba, had a great press coverage. But, instead of the truth, lies, facts’ concealing and the free accusations against Cuba which indicated the tone of the news delivered by the dominant media. Once more, as in so many before, what could be read in the European press has little to do with news and plenty of disinformation and ideological intoxication.

One is not defending the issue shouldn’t be news. On the contrary, it ought to be as there are not many countries which make the decision to release 52 people who participated in a vast international conspiracy against that same country’s State and Constitution. And here stands the great covering up and lie in the publicized “news”. The citizens now released, and the ones which will be in the months ahead, are not innocent and unprotected Cuban citizens, whose crime ought to be the disagreement towards the political regime within the socialist island. No! As well documented, in proofs presented by the Cuban authorities and recognized by several international organizations, these people received funds from foreign countries(USA) and materials in order to conspire against the Cuban State, a crime punished by law, in Cuba, and in general, in all countries round the world.

This conspiracy had a name: the Varela project. It had as a purpose, by several means, to overthrow the Cuban institutions, call upon a Parliament and name a provisory government, with the mission of dismantling the Cuban State and the socialist Constitution, if necessary by force and a foreign military invasion. A conspiracy which involved tens of organizations, among which many North-American, coordinated from the USA’s interests’ office in Havana, monitored by Washington and the Miami mafia. The fact, and this should have been news, these people were convicted for crimes against the Cuban territorial independence and integrity. The fact is they were heavily paid by the USA, via a North-American millionaire financing of over 40 million dollars, for the Varela project.

It is important to recall these mercenaries’ time in prison (2002/2003). That was the time of Cuba’s inclusion within the Bush’s “Axis of Evil”; the full threats of military intervention in Cuba; the accusations of Cuba having massive destruction weapons and developed a biological weapon programme. The time of the famous Bush menace about “Castro’s regime will not change by itself”. Cuba defended itself from this danger and it was within this framework that the citizens currently released, were judged under the Constitution of the Republic of Cuba and its legal system. Therefore, they are not conscience nor political prisoners. Nor even exiled, another lie repeated a thousand times these days. The decision of leaving Cuba was their own, just as the decision of others can be put to proof, of remaining and carry on living. What can be highlighted from this release is that Cuba, within the framework of its unquestionable sovereignty, has just performed a major diplomatic gesture.

The future will tell on the prevailing or not of the hypocrisy positions of those who defend criminal measures against Cuba, such as the European Union common position, or the well-known blockade. But all these reasons are put behind. What matters for the media is to insist on the political prisoners’ litany and the operating ferocious dictatorship within the Caribbean island. Simultaneously, they dissimulate on real crimes such as Guantanamo, where about 200 prisoners have been kept in captivity with no right of judgement, for years; the assassination of tens of thousand Colombian citizens by the Colombian army and paramilitaries; the Honduras’ coup d’état and the coup regime opponents’ assassination or yet the assassins’ commitment unto Venezuela aiming at Chavez’ life together with Venezuelan communist and progressive leaders. But Cuba and its friends have taught the world, they know how to resist and advance, and that disturbs its enemies.

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