Statement by Paulo Raimundo, Secretário-Geral do PCP, Demonstration «Stop the war! Give Peace a chance!»

Stop the war! Give Peace a chance!

We are in a situation where war is spreading across the world, from Syria, to Sudan, in Palestine, Yemen, Ukraine, with a dimension that we all know well.

And what is being asked at this moment is to create all the conditions to put an end to war and give an opportunity for peace, like the call for this initiative today.

War does not serve the people, it does not serve the workers, it serves above all those who are making millions and millions with the war. It is seeing the arms companies, but not only, those in energy, food, filling their pockets at the expense of war and with the people increasingly feeling the pinch.

The solution for the peoples is not war. And all the efforts that can be created, all the support that is necessary to create, starting with the governments, the powers, to force those who are intervening in the war, namely NATO, the United States of America, Ukraine and Russian Federation, to join around a table to find a peaceful solution to the conflict. There is no alternative to this. I ask: how many more thousands of deaths will it take and how much more destruction will it take to realise that this is exactly the way to go? Force those involved in the war to sit down at the table and find the paths of peace.

What is needed is that the Portuguese government, with its composition (this one, the previous one or the future one), fulfils what the Constitution compels it to do: to ensure all the paths to reach peace and the negotiation of conflicts.

This is a fundamental issue and one that is also here on the streets today.

  • Soberania, Política Externa e Defesa
  • Central
  • Guerra
  • Imperialismo
  • Nato
  • Paz