Release Secretariat of the Central Committee

Information of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Portuguese Communist Party

1. The executive organisms of the Central Committee have been following the evolution of the internal situation of the PCP and, particularly, the behaviours of some of its members. In public interventions about the internal problems and promoting initiatives out of the organic structure of the Party, they have been affronting the Party’s Constitution, the Congress guidelines and the principles of solidarity and loyalty which must mark the relationship among the PCP members.

Such behaviours have been inserted in a persistent campaign against the Party, harming seriously its image, namely during the last six months.

2. Such too notorious attitudes have been taken by comrades who until a short time ago carried out the highest responsibilities in the Party’s leadership, inclusively participating at the elaboration and ratification of the functioning norms which all the Party members, although maintaining discords, were committed to respect.

3. All the appeals from the executive organisms and the Central Committee to cease the activities considered as harmful to the Party’s unity and prestige were not attended; moreover, new and serious steps, attitudes and initiatives of public confrontation were taken.

It must be noted that already after the holding in 22nd June of PCP National Conference, (which culminated a vast democratic debate in all the Party organisations), some Party members publicly reiterated their purpose of continuing to develop such activities.

4. Taking account of this situation and these facts, in 28th June last, the Secretariat of the Central Committee, in collaboration with the Central Commission of Cadres and in articulation with the Political Commission and the Central Commission of Control, in the scope of their competence, decided to convene to audition, according to the Constitution’s article 60th, in view of the contingent application of disciplinary sanctions for reiterated and frontal violation of the Constitution, the Party members Edgar Correia, Carlos Luis Figueira and Carlos Brito.

The Secretariat of the Central Committee of the PCP