Partido Comunista Português Galeria de Fotografias Parade "Yes to Peace! No to war and the arms race», Lisbon 25 July 2022 Parade "Yes to Peace! No to war and the arms race», Lisbon Parade "Yes to Peace! No to war and the arms race», LisbonParade "Yes to Peace! No to war and the arms race», LisbonParade "Yes to Peace! No to war and the arms race», LisbonParade "Yes to Peace! No to war and the arms race», LisbonParade "Yes to Peace! No to war and the arms race», LisbonParade "Yes to Peace! No to war and the arms race», LisbonParade "Yes to Peace! No to war and the arms race», LisbonParade "Yes to Peace! No to war and the arms race», LisbonParade "Yes to Peace! No to war and the arms race», LisbonParade "Yes to Peace! No to war and the arms race», LisbonParade "Yes to Peace! No to war and the arms race», LisbonParade "Yes to Peace! No to war and the arms race», LisbonParade "Yes to Peace! No to war and the arms race», LisbonParade "Yes to Peace! No to war and the arms race», Lisbon Português Share Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Messenger
Ver Galeria PCP rally - «Not a single right less. Confidence and struggle for a better life» 7 June 2020