"War agenda"

Translated "Avante!" article by Luis Carapinha, Member of the PCP International Department

Inebriated by the barbaric success in Libyan land, the imperialist war paladins look ahead at new horizons. Militarism wins a pressing urgency in the almost inevitable twofold recession and the spectrum of an economic collapse framework, which scares the world capitalist centre. Rasmussen, from his NATO headquarters, exalts the “ multinational operations” virtues and demands more sacrifices from the USA’s European “partners” in the name of the preservation of the bellicose budgets. In the Libyan capital, delivered under the outrage of the TNC’s hordes, senator McCain, a republican candidate, defeated by Obama in the last North- American presidential elections, reveals the reactionary harshness of the USA’s agenda, threatening with new crusades unto freedom and democracy in Syria, Iran, China and Russia (in Ria-Novosti, 11.09.29).

A setback in this insane gearing, is a China and Russia double veto, amid the UN’s Security Council voting for the anti-Syria motion, co-presented by the Passos Coelho’s and Portas’ government. Brazil, India, South Africa and Lebanon choose to abstain, in a voting which, contrary to the 1973 disastrous resolution, which opened the path unto Libya’s aggression and division was from the start, condemned by the opposition of the two main founders of the Xangai Cooperation Organization.

Notwithstanding and in opposition with the delaying attitude before the Palestine Independence declaration, the USA and the EU insisted in committing to the Security Council the pointed out motion on Syria’s sovereignty and integrity, expecting to profit from a new media campaign aiming against Moscow and Beijing.

Behind these innocent statements from the USA and EU responsibles together with president Bashar-al-Assad imprecation, hides an implacable imperialist agenda, working in order to avoid a sovereign and democrat outcome for the problems Syria is confronted with and push the country, historically the bulwark of the Middle East resistance forces ,unto the brink of destabilization. Upon the UN’s 5th October veto, the interventionist arch, where the USA, EU Turkey and Saudi Arabia are prominently lined up , left well clear the reiterated blurred threat, it will carry on using all the subversive methods to achieve the criminal interference line, threatening Syria’s self-existence as a State.

At the same time, the UN double veto provoked bitterness among NATO’s allies and destabilization accomplices, agitating fears round Russia and this country’s strategic relationship perspectives with China.

Upon Putin’s recent confirmation as presidential candidate of the “ party in power”, United Russia, almost nobody dares to mention the reset of Washington and Moscow’s relations. “Medvedev is currently the supreme symbol of weakness, the liberals hate him more than Putin”, a Russian policy analyst states in Reuters (11.09.30). The announcement of the change of seats within the Kremlin, and the stepping down , at the reach of the “liberal” Russian president ,of Kúdrin, the powerful Finance minister, a disciple of Gaidar and a respected figure within the great international finance interests, are at least equivalent to the already outstanding falling apart of hopes and intents of Moscow’s “partners” in the G8, of once again, fastly assaulting the Russian regime political leadership.

Amid the world chess force correlation and reorganizing, one ought to expect new pressure steps and reinforcement of the animosity and contention policy, regarding China and Russia by the USA and NATO. To render impracticable an eventual proper agenda, yet but under limitations, from the so-called emerging countries is another connexion priority ( see the invitation to India on the USA’s anti-missile shield, to which Turkey and Spain have recently joined).

McCain, in his aggressive rage, ignores the Libyan resistance. And nevertheless, despite the brutal disparity of means, the determination and courage of the Libyan patriots remind us that the last word will belong to the peoples, the great masses and the workers action.

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