"The Nationalization"

Translated "Avante!" article by Jorge Cadima, Member of the PCP International Department

“ Intimidation populism” from the recent re-elected “ President of Argentina and her small camarilla”, the Spanish El País stated ( in 2012.04.18). A “deplorable” act and “an attack upon the business world”, the European Parliament rumbles ( in The Telegraph, 2012.04.12). An “illegal” act, which has to be confronted with “all the possible options” the European Commission decreed (in El Mundo, 2012.04.18). And the World Bank president says : “A symptom of what one ought to be vigilant”, (in La Razón, 2012.04.19). “An economic piracy rendered act” the Financial Times judges in its editorial (2012.04.18), adding : “There are good reasons to suspend Argentina from the G20”. By tearing apart international agreements, Mrs.Fernández places herself at the same level as the Venezuela leader, Hugo Chávez”. She must be reminded that all actions have consequences”. A sinister sentence, at a few days away from the 10th anniversary of the failed coup - d´état , which attempted to throw down Chavez and the Venezuela democratically elected institutions, a coup supported by the Spanish government (in El País, 2004.12.02) and the USA.

The King of Spain, not having been able to join the choir, and silence the Latin-American presidents, took all his bullets out on the African savannah’s big game. Recovering from his broken pelvis during his “millionaire hunt” (in O Publico, 2012.04.18), Juan Carlos Alfonso Victor Maria de Borbón y Borbón-Dos-Sicilias, his full-name, was represented by his son during Repsol, a private company refinery inauguration - until currently, a YPF Argentina oil company’s major proprietor - in order “ to show all its support unto Repsol” (in El Mundo, 2012.04.18). Indeed a curious world, in which the State companies’ alienation and for very little, is celebrated by government members with champagne, whilst the support of private companies interests is considered as a State issue. In order to defend the Spanish monarch, and after knowing the royal safari was supported by a “ Spanish-Saudi magnate (in O Publico, 2012.04. 18), the Qatar Ambassador in Spain, informed the king “ is not only visiting countries” and upon his visit to Saudi Arabia, “ 12 Spanish companies have won the concourse to build a high-speed train to Meca, which amount is about 6.500 million Euro”, while, upon his “private trips to Abu Dhabi or Qatar, “ Iberdrola or Bankia, are on the field and grateful” (in Efe Agency, 2012.04.19). The Borbón is a great capital commercial traveller. Who felt the need to apologize for his pachyderm massacres, but not for his country’s involvement in the Libyan massacre, a country ( ex-country?) where Repsol detains major oil concessions.

The reason for such indignation before the Argentinean oil company partial re-nationalization (created as a state company, in 1923) has nothing to do with “rendered agreements”. The Portuguese workers are aware of that. The “ troikers”, who cry false tears concerning the “ agreements’ defaults”, tear apart agreements and contracts which guarantee salaries, pensions, public services, everyday. What originates such indignation is the loss of a breast fount -source to squeeze. As the Argentina newspaper Página 12 recalls, (in 2012.04.20), Rajoy, the current prime-minister, criticised on the eventual Russian capital entries in Repsol, stating : “ our oil, our gas and our energy cannot be placed in the hands of a Russian company, as that would make us become a fifth division country”. And this is the key to the question: the great international capital, wants Argentina to become a “fifth division” country in order to carry on its plunder. As it did indeed, in an outrageous manner and together with brutal results for decades, particularly during the mafia-liberal orgy in the 90’s, of which, the Spanish great capital was one of the major beneficiaries. In Memoria del Saqueo, a Fernando Solanas movie , available in the internet, is a remarkable witness of those dark years which drove Argentina to disaster in 2001.

The Portuguese will recognize in the description of those days in Argentina, the current news on our agonizing country. The future will tell about the Argentinean process coherence. But the winds blowing from Latin America talk about Portugal’s future ahead: on our wealth and dignity recuperation, currently plundered by the foreign and home great capital.

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