National Issues

The crisis of capitalism, the imperialist offensive, the European Union and the struggle of workers and peoples

In recent years the international situation has seriously worsened. International tension has increased, injustices and inequalities have deepened, reactionary and even fascist forces have advanced, and militarism and war remain the greatest danger facing humanity. This evolution has deep roots in the exploitative, oppressive, aggressive and predatory nature of capitalism, and arises from the incessant deepening of its insoluble contradictions that converge to deepen a structural crisis manifest on various levels – the social to economic, from the environmental to political and cultural.

The struggle for the patriotic and left-wing alternative

Comrades As was mentioned in the draft of the Political Resolution of our Congress, “the reality with which our people and the country are confronted, highlights the struggle for the patriotic and left-wing political alternative - which includes a government capable of materialise it - as a core and decisive element to guarantee the necessary path, able to respond to the demands of development, progress and national sovereignty”.

Political Resolution (Excerpts)

Chapter I

The offensive against the PCP and the Democratic Regime

Comrades, The current intense anti-communist campaign has the PCP as its the most direct and evident target. This is not surprising. It is the direct consequence of what we are and what we will not cease to be.

The Party Organization

In the period since the last Congress, the Party's organization was, once again, put to the test. We resisted and fulfilled our role in a context marked by challenges, but also by new and more diverse attacks on workers, the people and the Country, some of whom were rooted in a profound anti-communism and in an attempt to annul the PCP that for many years they have wanted to destroy or at least, make it abandon its principles, becoming equal to the other parties, harmless to the dominant classes.

The intervention of the PCP in the new phase of the national political life

The past four years have confirmed that, in the 20th Congress, we characterized with rigor and accuracy the new phase of the national political life and the conditions of our intervention in this context. We were right when, in the 20th Congress, we pinpointed the importance of having fought to politically and socially isolate the PSD / CDS Government, of having used our forces to remove them from the Government and interrupt their destructive action and the policy of aggravating exploitation and impoverishment.

The working Class and Trade Union Movement

The working class and working people, organized in their class Trade Unions have, in [the Trade Union Central] CGTP-IN, a steadfast organization, conherent and which can be trusted. An organization which, at every moment of its history, has fulfilled its role and shouldered its responsibilities in the defense of the workers and the country.