National Issues

Communiqué of the Central Committee of the PCP of June 28, 2021

The Central Committee of the PCP, meeting on June 28, 2021, analysed aspects of the national and international situation, the development of the mass struggle, the preparation of Local Elections and the strengthening of the Party's organisation and initiative.

«This is a time that requires us not to waive continuing the necessary fight for the valorisation of work and workers»

Comrades, We are holding our Parliamentary Conference with a programme covering the entire Lisbon Metropolitan Area, paying particular attention to its problems and of the people who live and work here, but also with an eye on the situation in the country, on the living conditions of the workers and of the people, and determined by the aim of giving them better solutions with our initiative and proposal.

The PCP and the emancipation of women – Centuries of struggle of the present and of the future

As Marx stated, with recognised accuracy, the degree of female emancipation is the natural measure of the degree of the universal emancipation. The remarkable advances in the condition and rights of women in the 20th century, in Portugal and in the world, are closely linked to political, social and civilisational development, an integral part of their struggle and the struggle of workers and peoples for the progressive transformation of society, and are in the wake of the many achievements made by this broader struggle.

The everyday struggle in the struggle for the future

I would like to begin by greeting you for this initiative to debate, in the context of the Centenary of our Party, the everyday struggles. A special greeting both to those who took a little time from their studies in this final stage of the school year, and for many in the crucial stage of university access, or to those who, at the end of a long day’s work, are here with us to debate the problems, interests and aspirations of the youth.

«There is no solution to national problems without a reversal of the policy of abandoning national production»

I would like to start by thanking you for your presence as well as valuing the set of interventions made here on a central issue for the country's development, for the well-being of the Portuguese people, for the future of Portugal as a sovereign nation – the defence and development of national production.

«Joining the PCP is an essential choice for those who want to fight consequently for a fairer society and world»

I would like to welcome and thank you for your participation in this meeting with new members of the Portuguese Communist Party. Your choice to join the Portuguese Communist Party marks the difference and the necessary path at the beginning of the third decade of the 21st. century. Joining the PCP is an essential choice for all those affected by politics at the service of big capital and want to fight consequently for a fairer society and world.

«Catarina Eufémia is a symbol of the struggle of our people and of the combative agricultural proletariat of Alentejo for bread and freedom»

We are here to pay tribute to Catarina Eufémia, in this year of the 100 years of the foundation of the Portuguese Communist Party, the Party of Catarina. This Party that has a unique history in the framework of Portuguese parties. The story of a Party that has always been at the forefront of the struggle of the workers and of our people. That took the lead in all combats against exploitation, oppression and inequality. That never bowed to the repression. That never faltered or surrendered.

Defend rights to respond to workers' problems

A day that began at the gates of hundreds of companies, in contact with thousands of workers and that ended in Parliament. Precariousness, low wages, deregulation of working hours, blackmail by employers, in a word: the exploitation of workers in Portugal was echoed in the Assembly of the Republic by the voice of communist MPs. The denunciation was coupled by the concrete proposal for the resumption and achievement of rights (of decent wages, decent hours, fight against precariousness and "low-cost" dismissals) but also by a direct call to continue on the streets, for struggle, company by company, sector by sector, right by right, working time by working time: "let no one disarm in the battle for the right to work with rights".

Solidarity with Palestine - End to aggression, end to occupation

Solidarity actions «Solidarity with Palestine – End to aggression, end to occupation» carried out in Lisbon, Porto and Évora were promoted by the Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation (CPPC), Movement for the Rights of the Palestinian People and for Peace in the Middle East (MPPM) and General Confederation of Portuguese Workers (CGTP-IN). A delegation from the PCP, headed by Jerónimo de Sousa, General Secretary of the PCP, was present at the concentration held in Lisbon.

«We can count on the Young Communists to affirm that the communist ideal has a future and that the Future has a Party»

What a beautiful congress that the Portuguese Communist Youth held in these two days! A rich debate and knowledge of reality! Connection to the concerns, interests and aspirations of the Youth! A live debate, driven by the interest to look further, to seek the right solutions to the problems and the ways to get there!