"Libya - A lost war? "

Translated "Avante!" article by Angelo Alves, Member of the Political Committee of the CC and of the International Department

The recent events within Libya reveal the nature, objectives and methods of the aggression, in progress. But they also proove imperialism’s real difficulties in submitting Libya and thenceforth, settling a XXI century colony.

If there already were plentiful signs of lack of credibility and legitimacy of the so-called “rebels” - as well as their, in the minimum, dubious international liaisons and methods - Abdel Younes “ the Libya national transition counsel troops’ commandant assassination, ( and Libya’s government ex-minister of the Interior who passed over unto the “rebels” side), has casted more light over the farce of which consists the so-called “Transition National Counsel” (TNC).

The incident is demonstrative of the degree of rivalry and “guerrilla” which reigns amid the different “rebel” groups. Rivalries, which, originated within this aggression’s real purposes -the Libyan natural ressourses control and its millionaire sovereign funds plunder - and together with the character of the different groups envolved in the external aggression operation, are also an expression of those rivalries and contradictions among the aggressor foreign powers, more and more evident when greater are the difficulties in achieving the objectives and military, strategic and political pre-defined calenders for this aggression war.

The “the rebel troops commandant‘s” assassination by his own men ( more exactly by the brigade pointed out to ensure his security during his displacement from the Brega front unto Bengasi) ; the contradictory versions of several TNC figures on the events, and the news about the infiltration of loyal men to the Libyan government amid the “rebels” military structure through a supposed “opposition” brigade, the liberation operation of 300 prisioners from the “rebels” headquarters in Bengasi having taken place, are facts which well demonstrate the degree of resistence and operationality of the governmental forces and, simultaneously the TNC’s disorganization and fragility - the farce which the Portuguese government, during a shamefull decision, and in opposition to the Republic Constitution and the UN Charter, has just been recognized as “ the legitimate governmental authority of Libya”.

The aggressor powers are restless before the “low performance”of their Liam Fox “foot soldiers”, which publicly recognised the “rebels’ very weak ground potential”, or the “ lecture” sent by Mark Toner, the USA’s State Department speaker, “asking ” the “oposition” leader to “work in a transparent and united manner” and “adverting the Counsel to remind it represents all the people of Libya”.

But one cannot have any illusions. With the approaching of the end of the second term, decided by NATO for the ending of the “military operations”; with the evident governmental forces’ resistance capacity, together with the growing popular support towards unity against the external aggression, all indicates one might assist, during the month of August, to a brutal intensification of NATO’s slaughter and crimes. All this, whilst secretly, negotiations and a study for a military withdrawal proceed on one hand, and on the other, the successive attempts to assassinate Kaddafi or to try the Libyan Government and Army hardcore desertion and treason.

The NATO attack during a civilian demonstration, in Al-Sabaa; the Libyan television bombardment; Tripoli’s civil airport or a hospital near the town of Misrata, are only some of the terror examples the aggressor powers, harassed by the spectrum of another possible defeat ,might create. The time has come to intensify the struggle for the immediate ending of the bombardments, the defence of peace, independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Libya.

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