Statement by Paulo Raimundo, General Secretary of the PCP, «A Home to Live» Demonstration

Housing is a right that we cannot relinquish

There are thousands of people today in a situation of great personal deprivation and they can no longer endure this.

They can no longer afford the rent, they can no longer bear the brutal increase in loan payments and therefore this is a problem that has to be faced head on, with concrete measures.

There are thousands and thousands of people here, and as we also know, with very different expressions, all over the country, people who are here claiming the right to housing.

It is a right that we cannot relinquish.

None of us can relinquish it and that's what people are here to say so.

And I can say that, claiming the right, but also denouncing the scandal; while we are all struggling, the banks manage to accumulate 11 million euros in profits per day, something not even worth commenting.

We were also here in this place in April, and it was this call for this action that went forward with great participation, as is happening today, which forced the government to take measures, limited and insufficient, but it forced the government to take measures.

And it was also after the announcement of this demonstration that the government also took, last week, another set of measures, also insufficient, completely missing the target, late, but it was forced to take, and therefore this is a good expression of that.

This applies to housing and it applies to wages.

We heard the government a year ago say that it was impossible to increase wages because that would create a bubble, an inflationary spiral...

And then it was forced to accept wage and pension increases, which are insufficient, but it was the struggle that led to that.

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