"Defending the people of Syria"

Translated "Avante!" article by Angelo Alves, Member of the Political Committee and of the International Department

A year upon the first demonstrations within Syria against president Bashar Al -Assad ’s government, is being marked by developments, facts and accusations which tell a lot of what is really the motive of what is wrongly called “the Syrian revolution”.

Accordingly to some reports from several alternative media, about 600 to 1000 members, belonging to “ The Islamic Fighting Group in Libya” ( a terrorist organization which was allied to NATO during the war in Libya) arrived in Amman (the capital of Jordania) in recent weeks, and it is probable that last Friday they moved towards the Syrian boarder. Several sources indicate that, during the last days, huge amounts of weapons will be sent, from Saudi Arabia unto Jordania, in order to arm this “ free Syrian army‘s“ “front”. At the same time , and in another spot of Syria’s “siege”, the news arrives of the Turkish army’s involvement in the transportation of about 2000 “soldiers” unto a “ refugee camp”in the Hatay province, a region in the frontier between Turkey and Syria, accessible to the sea, from the Mediterranean. The whole of these manoeuvres raise to about 3000 to 4000 the elements which constitute the so-called “ free Syrian army”, an “army” which is directly financed by Qatar and Saudi Arabia, supported by the Turkish government and that, accordingly to them, received weapons and aerial defence systems from the USA and France. In other words, an aggression force against the people of Syria created, trained and financed by imperialism and its allies within the region and constituted by mercenaries, personalities and terrorist organizations.

Simultaneously and in the “ home front” the openly terrorist aspect of armed insurrection intensifies and the connexion between terrorists and foreign special forces is a reality. As if the successive accusations weren’t enough, about some of the atrocities conferred to the Syrian security forces that had been carried out exactly by the mercenaries, infiltrated in the territory which then, with the help of channels likewise CNN or AlJazeera, changed them into acts of the Syrian army, the last days events highly explain of even how those, in and outside Syria, are in the disposition of , under the bullet, bomb and misinformation law, subdue a sovereign country and operate another “ regime change”.

The four terrorist attempts, carried out during the last week-end, in Damascus, Allepo and in the road to Damascus -Daara, near Kherbet Ghazaleh, killed, in the whole, more than 30 people, together with about two hundred wounded , and destroying an important railway bridge in the country. And so, within Syria, the number of great dimension attempts mounts up to ten since December last year. Attempts which, as many experts have repeatedly stated, have no possibility of being organized by an ordinary group of “ opponents”. They are, as many have stated, carried out by Afghan, Libyan, Turkish and Jordanian professional mercenaries (among others), recruited by Qatar, with Saudi money, trained and monitored by French, British, Saudi and Qatar special forces.

Mercenaries holding weapons and explosive material infiltrated from the exterior and, according to Arab military experts, already register about 30 thousand fire weapons of different calibres and types, to which 300 tons of explosives are added.

It is more than obvious, that what is happening in Syria is not a revolution and far from a popular pacific rebellion military crush. No! The imperialist propaganda wants to pass Libya’s example. What is occurring in Syria is a military conflict, instigated from the exterior and carried out by those for whom the people of Syria’s fair desires of more justice and democracy are but to justify another aggression war, in progress.

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