“Capitalist integration “

Translated “Avante!” article by Pedro Guerreiro, Member of the Secretariat of the CC

During 60 years of federalist nature alarms and metamorphosis, never an European capitalist integration process was confronted with such a deep crisis, that exposes, as never before , its incurable contradictions. Within this context, it is not too much to highlight the huge political significance of the United Kingdom ‘s referendum, that determined this country’s exit from the European Union.

In a first moment before the URSS, the socialist Eastern European field and the communist and workers’ movement influence , in the sequence of the creation of NATO (1949) and upon the German Federal Republic having become a member of this political-military block ( 1955), the so-called European integration, with its successive deepening and enlargements – since the European Communities creation (1957), the Unique Act (1986) , the Maastricht treaty and the European Union (1992), the Amsterdam Treaty (1997), the Nice Treaty (2001), unto the Lisbon Treaty (2007), were dictated by class interests and determined by the European capitalist great powers, always under the USA’s tutelage.

An integration process, born by the imposition of political and economic domain relations of the great powers over the remaining countries, according to the great capital interests , through the creation and control of supra- national institutions and all the panoply of instruments, as the Unique Market, the Economic and Monetary Union, the Euro, the common policies and other established proceedings in treaties and communitarian norms, not forgetting the free trade and the budget treaties.

A process that, by its class nature and objectives attacks and subjects to conditions the right of peoples and states, - as Portugal – unto development, social progress, sovereignty and national independence, democracy, an external policy based in equal rights and a cooperation effective framework. A process that promotes an intensification of exploitation and the regression of labour and other social rights, wealth concentration and centralization and the increase of social inequalities and development asymmetries among different countries.
A process that stands as NATO’s European pillar, and promotes militarism, interference, war against peoples and sovereign states.
A process that is responsible for the disrespect regarding human rights, the millions of aggression war victims, promoted, supported and conniving by the European Union.
A process which policies nurture xenophobia and right-wing increase.

And always spreading mystifications in order to hinder its real objectives and intents, waving with “threats” and “dangers”, bribing with funds, to ensure national sovereignty exercise abdication along with the condemnation to economic dependence and political subordination, 30 years of the process of capitalist European integration deepening prove that each new federalist leap represented and ought to represent, added conditioning and constraints to state sovereignty - as Portugal – and reinforced instruments of policy and measures imposition, an attempt against the rights, interests, workers and peoples desires.
To deepen Portugal’s dependence and subordination before the European Union ought to represent an aggravation of the national decline policy. What is urgent is liberate Portugal from the Euro submission and the European Union impositions and constraints, ensuring the instruments that guarantee sovereignty and national independence, that allow the country’s economic and social development, along with providing a new framework within Europe , based upon cooperation among sovereign states and equal in rights, in social progress and in peace.

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