Release from the PCP Press Office

On aspects of the situation in Cuba

In response to several requests from different media on the situation in Cuba, the PCP Press Office states the following:

It is the competency of the Cuban people to sovereignly take the decisions they deem most adequate to pursue the construction of socialism, consolidate the achieved conquests and defend the territorial integrity and sovereignty of their country.

While not making pronouncements on decisions of an economic nature, it is worth underlining that the deliberate distortion broadcast to present as lay-offs a process of reorganization of activity with "labor reorientation of workers to other job posts" and "other forms of non state labor relation like rent, usufruct, cooperatives and self-emplyment", maintaining in many situations the same activity the exercised with the guarantee of keeping their rights and social benefits, as highlighted by the Workers Central of Cuba, has as its objective not only prolong the attack upon Cuba, but also justify the offensive directed in our country towards workers ainmed at liquidating their rights and increasing exploitation.

Regarding the recent measures of "updating the economic model", at a time with the world is shaken by a violent crisis of capitalism, there are reasons to trust that a revolution that has heroically resisted the criminal blocakde of the EUA and that twice has been forced to restructure its economy – after the liberation for EU colonialism and following the defeats of socialism in the USSR and Eastern Europe – will successfully face new problems deriving from its development and the demands of affirmation of its project of constructing socialism.

  • Central
  • Political Statements
  • Cuba