100th anniversary of the "Pravda"

100th anniversary of the

The Pravda newspaper celebrated the 100th anniversary on the 5- 6th May in Moscow - Anabela Fino, Editor in Chief of the "Avante!" reoresented the Portuguese Communist Party.

To The Central Committee of the Russian Federation

The Editors of Pravda newspaper

Dear comrades,

On behalf of the Portuguese communists I convey to you warm greetings on the occasion of the centenary that is
now taking place, of the legendary Pravda newspaper.

Signalling these 100 years means, first of all, the evocation of a newspaper founded through Lenin’s initiative, the central organ of the Russian Bolsheviks, later on the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. It means remembering
the Leninist perspective of the style and mission of the central organ of the communists as an irreplaceable
instrument at the service of the revolutionary struggle, the building of the party and the construction of the new
society. And always bearing in mind its vital concern to be closer to life in constant flow and change, to be closer to
the common men and women workers, the yearnings, problems and action of the toiling and popular masses.

Pravda’s 100 years are a living testimony of a whole era representing a heroic and dramatic period of history, of a
victorious resistance and emancipating struggle which is inseparable from the strong impact on the world resulting
from the advances of the cause of the proletariat and of the liberation of the peoples, of peace and socialism
achieved with the triumph of the October Revolution and the socialist construction of the Soviet Union, in a
journey that became a luminous impressive mark on the world history of the 20th century.

The example of tenacity and dedication and the achievements of the Russian and Soviet communists, imprinted on
the pages of its central organ, Pravda, served as inspiration for millions and millions of communists, revolutionaries
and patriots around the world fighting for their rights and a better future of freedom and social progress. In this
context, it is fair to recall here the example of PCP’s central organ, Avante!, the communist newspaper that was for
the longest time continuously published and distributed in an underground situation.

The commemoration of these hundred years of Pravda is, however, far from being filled in the dense pages of a past
full of great deeds. Although under necessarily very different conditions from those that marked its birth a hundred
years ago, this date represents, above all, a tribute to the current struggle, and certainly turned to the future, of the
communists and workers of Russia and other peoples and countries of the former USSR.

Despite the shadow of the
severity of the defeats of socialism and the disappearance of the USSR, Pravda resisted the disillusions and
inclemency of the times and, specially, the repressive and criminous action of those that the bourgeoisie’s
information and propaganda centres did not hesitate in raising as bastions of democracy and human rights.

It is also for these reasons that, at a time marked by the most serious and widespread crisis of capitalism since the
years of the Great Depression, with the rampant anti-labour offensive and the serious threats it holds for world
peace, we would like to leave here a message of confidence and solidarity.

We wish you, dear comrades - to Pravda and all pravdisty, to the CPRF and all Russian communists - best wishes
of success in your action and tasks in the supreme interest of the struggle for justice
and social progress, of
cooperation and friendship among peoples and of socialism.

May 2012

The Central Committee of the

Portuguese Communist Party

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