Opening Speech
Albano Nunes - Portuguese Communist Party
LISBOA - 24 de Maio

Comrades and friends

It is for us motive of great joy to have here gathered in this magnificent International Rally representatives of so many communist, left and progressive parties, coming from many countries of the European Union.

Parties that came to Lisbon to share with us reflections, struggle experiences and proposals to fight unemployment, to defend rights and social gains reached over decades of hard struggle, to build an Europe of social progress, peace and cooperation.

On behalf of the Portuguese Communist Party, allow me to greet the friendly and solidary participation :

of the Party of Democratic Socialism from Germany

of the Progressive Party of the Working People from Cyprus

of the United Left from Spain

of the Initiative for Catalunia

of the Left Wing Alliance from Finland

of the French Communist Party

of the Communist Party of Greece

of the Coalition of Left and Progress from Greece

of the Party of the Communist Refoundation from Italy

of the Movement of the Unitarian Communist, from Italy

of the Left Party from Sweden

of Ken Coates, British Labour Member of the European Parliament,

and also

of the "The Greens " Ecologist Party , allied of the PCP in the CDU

Their presence among us represents by itself a valuable stimulus to the Portuguese communists and workers’ struggle. And it means above all that what unites us is much stronger than what that may separate us. We are all emboldened by a common will: to reply to the scourge of unemployment and to other very serious social problems that go through all the countries of the European Union, to open the way to alternatives of social progress, to strengthen our cooperation and solidarity.

Following other initiatives held in other capitals in Europe, this International Rally in Lisbon constitutes a clear confirmation that there are forces engaged in the struggle, that it is possible to inverse in a progressive direction the way towards a "European construction", today dominated by the big capital’s logic.

Our Rally, which is inserted in the large movement of resistance and of people’s struggles that is developing itself all over Europe, projects a new and strong sign of confidence in a better future.

Long live the working people and progressive forces’ struggle!
Long live the friendship and internationalist solidarity!

Albano Nunes